Ignition Club Is Back For The 2020-2021 School Year!

Posted by Ashwin Chugh on October 4, 2020

As you may have noticed, this is the first most recent post in a while (2 years! Wow!). However, this post signifies that the wonderful Ignition website -- created back in the first days of the club's existance -- has been refreshed. I'm writing this article to welcome back new and returning members as well as give updates on how the club will run for the 2020-2021 school year.

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the MVLA district kicked off the 2020-2021 school year with complete online distanced learning. Unlike most other high schools in the area, MVHS decided to retain its clubs and sought a virtual solution that complimented distanced learning. As such, Ignition Club is back baby!

We will be hosting 2 meetings per week virtually through Zoom. The first meeting will be unofficial and will be held on Tuesdays at 4 pm PST. The second meeting will be official and will occur every Friday during lunch. We will be having our first official meeting this friday, October 9th, 2020, during lunch. Everyone is highly encouraged to attend.

Additionally, Ignition Club has partnered with 2 sister clubs for this year -- the MVHS Computer Science Club and the Codet Club. Through this partnership, all members of 3 clubs will be able to recieve high quality lessons on various topics related to Computer Science ranging from basic programming metholodogies to advanced data structures and algorithms to machine learning, AI, and neural networks! Anyone is welcomed to take whichever class they prefer.

For the foreseeable future, this will be the routine schedule. Although the Santa Clara district has allowed for schools to re-open in person, MVHS is strictly opening to those in serious need of in-person education like ELD and low-income students. As a result, Ignition Club will continue to be held online and the partnership will remain even if school returns to in-person learning. More information will be discussed and any questions will be answered during Friday's meeting.